Friday 9th February 2024

Lesson 17 : UNIT 6 – The National Health Service


  1. In the News
  2. Translation 14
  3. What did you learn on the NHS by watching the videos?
  4. In groups of 4: read one document each and get ready to explain it to your teammates.

Hand-outs : We have used the TRANSLATION BOOKLET, UNIT 6, page 3-8.

HOMEWORK: A bit of English every day.

  1. Use Streamglish (useful to improve your General Knowledge, your pronunciation, your listening skills, your vocabulary…)
  2. Memorise information from Today’s « In the News »
  3. Watch this video again and record yourselves explaining what you understood.
  4. Identify a key issue and draft a detailed outline for the dossier under scrutiny.
  5. Preparation for X-ENS: read this and take notes making sure you understand the mistakes that you should avoid.
  6. Preparation for Centrale: read this if you haven’t already done so. It is not on the exam paper I gave you but it will still enable you to better grasp what is expected from you)
  • NEXT WEEK: MOE 9 – AUDIO DOCUMENT- Ireland / the United Kingdom / Health
    • visit the padlet
    • revise V6 + UNIT 1 from The Big Picture
    • revise your lessons
    • Watch the video(s) on line
    • You may also practise using the audio uploaded by the examiners (even if you are not candidate 1)
    • BRING YOUR EAR PHONES (they will have to be wired ones if you do not have a good Internet connection)

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